Gender Pay Gap

Advertisement poster about a protest for the gender pay gap. I used the black colour as this topic is a serious topic

Advertisements for Duolingo. For this project I used a D&AD brief where we had to bring Duolingo's existing users that have fallen out of the habit of doing a daily language lesson. I thought of things that people would do on a daily basis and decided to focus on having a cup of tea as we all sit down to have a cup of tea, or coffee, at least once a day. To execute this I decided to go with the idea of a partnership between Duolingo and Lyons tea to get people to do a lesson when they sit down with their cup of tea. My main message here for this project was "All it takes is a cup of tea to learn a language" indicating that its as easy to do a lesson on Duolingo as it is to have a cup of tea and that it doesn't take long to do a lesson.